You workhard for your moneyand you want
yourfamily to enjoythe fruits
of theirwork in the comingyears.Preparing for the futureof your family,but it meansmore to investadequatelyto achievethe
right mix ofgrowth and stabilityfor your goalsand time horizon.For many people, it also means buyingthe right amount oflife insuranceduringtheir working years.
Life insurancecan help offsetthe
financial impactof their lovedones
in the eventof his death.With alifeinsurance policy, your
family can use the proceeds toreplace
lost income, eliminate debt, pay
for college,keep the businessafloat,or to meetthe needs andobjectives of the Fundsas they adjustto anew life.
1. How doeslife insurancework?
2. There are twotypes oflife insuranceare available? 3. Whenis the righttime to buylife insurance? 4.How muchlife
insurance you need?